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Title in other language: Σονάτα "Παράθυρα" για κοντραμπάσο και πιάνο [Greek] Dates: 2004 Composer: Karantzis, Nectarios Adaptations:
  1. Karantzis, Nectarios [Composer]. Sonata 'Parathira' for double bass and piano
Title in other language: Κομμάτι για κοντραμπάσο [Greek] Dates: 10-1980 Composer: Klapsis, Spyros Adaptations:
  1. Klapsis, Spyros [Composer]. Piece pour contre basse
Title in other language: Dakoutros, Iakovos. Prometheus Desmotis for solo C.Bass [english] Dates: 1994 Composer: Dakoutros, Iakovos Adaptations:
  1. Dakoutros, Iakovos [Composer]. Prometheus Desmotis for solo C.Bass
Title in other language: Chassouros, Dimitrios. 12 Precari per Solo (N) Contrebbasse [Italian] Dates: 1993 Composer: Chassouros, Dimitrios Adaptations:
  1. Chassouros, Dimitrios [Composer]. 12 Präludien pour Solo (N) D.Bass
Title in other language: The swallow [english], Το χελιδόνι [Greek] Dates: 2014 Composer: Kioulaphides, Victor
Dedicated to: Rabbath, François
  1. Kioulaphides, Victor [Composer]. The swallow
Title in other language: Tango για βιολί, ακορντεόν, πιάνο και κοντραμπάσο [Greek] Dates: 2005 Composer: Vassiliadis, Anastasios Collection: Μουσική Δωματίου Adaptations:
  1. Βασιλειάδης, Αναστάσιος [Composer]. Tango for violin, accordion, piano and contrabass
Dates: 1971 -
Νame in other language: Malliopoulos, Ιοannis [english] Dates: 1958 - Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Roussos, Dionisios [english] Dates: 1979 - Birth place: Athens
Title in other language: Alla Morte del Padre (emotional fantasy) for double bass and piano [english], Alla Morte del Padre (συναισθηματική φαντασία) για κοντραμπάσο και πιάνο [Greek] Dates: 3-3-1988 Composer: Nicolau, Dimitri (1946-2008) Adaptations:
  1. Νικολάου, Δημήτρης (1946-2008) [Composer]. Alla Morte del Padre (fantasia emotiva) per contrabbasso e pianoforte
Νame in other language: Samaras, Artemis [english] Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Ramou, Lorenda [english] Dates: 1967 -
Νame in other language: Raptis, Konstantinos [english] Dates: 1973 -
Νame in other language: Sliomis, Thomas [english]
Νame in other language: Minas, Georgios [english] Dates: 02/12/1954 - Birth place: Corfu ( City)
Νame in other language: Moros, Themistoklis (1910-1988) [english] Dates: 10/11/1910 - 01/05/1988 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Haliassas, Jacovos (1920-2001) [english] Dates: 10/05/1920 - 21/11/2001 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Karantzis, Nectarios [english] Dates: 1967 - Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Rotas, Vassilis [english] Dates: 1964 - Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Kikou, Evangelia [english] Dates: 1965 - Birth place: Thessaloniki