Criteria of search: Ιωάννινα
List of search results:
Νame in other language: Ράπτης, Κωνσταντίνος Dates: 1973 - Birth place: Ioannina
Νame in other language: Τσουκαλά, Κωνσταντίνα Dates: 1995 - Birth place: Ioannina
Νame in other language: Παπαδάτος, Ιωσήφ Dates: 11/11/1960 -
Νame in other language: Θεοδωράκης, Γιάννης (1932-1996) Dates: 22/08/1932 - 07/12/1996 Birth place: Ioannina
Νame in other language: Αποστολίδης, Τάτσης (1928-2009) Dates: 1928 - 2009 Birth place: Ioannina