Guarnerius Art Centre

  1. Organization
  2. 1996
  3. Belgrade
  4. Εκπαιδευτικός φορέας
  5. Guarnerius Art Centre
    • Guarnerius Art Centre was founded by the distinguished Serbian violinist, Maestro Jovan Kolundžija in 1996, as the first private non-profit cultural institution in Serbia. It was opened on October 2nd 2001, after a massive five-year restoration, that brought the work of Russian architects Vassylev and Kozinsky dated in 1924, to its former brilliance, beauty and elegance.

      In the year 2013, Guarnerius Art Centre has been given the status of the Cultural institution of national importance, by the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

      Guarnerius Hall is the most spectacular chamber music hall in this part of Europe, and it is located in the vicinity of the old Belgrade bohemian quarter Skadarlija, in the endowment of the industrialist Dimitrije Milojević, the venue which is under protection of the National heritage institute of the Republic of Serbia.

      Guarnerius Art Centre is named after Guarneri, the famous violin maker from Cremona. One of Guarnerius precious violins, made in 1754, is owned by Maestro Kolundžija and has been his concert companion for over three decades. As a special honor, the Guarnieri family granted us the permission to use their coat of arms, which has become our emblem as well.

      Since the opening of the Art Center, we have presented over 750 artistic programs in the Guarnerius Concert Hall and in the Gallery. During this period, the Belgrade audience had the opportunity to meet hundreds of important artists from all over the world, but also young musicians, with a great future ahead. Over the past years, we have revealed many young talents who, through concert cycles, competitions, master classes, are given the opportunity to show their talent to the audience, and our journey is always followed by the support of our media.

      1. University of Macedonia