Spinei, Marcel

Marcel Spinèi (rum)

  1. Person
  2. Male
  3. 21 June 1950
  4. Craiova
  5. Ρουμάνος
  6. Musician
  7. Cellist | Συνθέτης | Conductor | Μουσικολόγος
    • Prize at the "Excellence Composition Prize" of the Center of Contemporary Music Research, Athens, Founder and President Iannis Xenakis (1996) for the "Dialogismos" op.4, with a prize at the "Excellence Composition Prize" of the Romanian Composers and Musicologists Union’s, in Bucharest (2012) for the Symphonie Concertante op.71.
  8. 1973
  9. Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών. Φιλοσοφική Σχολή. Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών (1997-2011) ["Η Ρουμανική Ψαλτική Παράδοση και η σχέση της με την Βυζαντινή"] - Academic degree: Διδακτορικό | National Music University of Bucharest (2003) ["Οι πολιτιστικές και μουσικές σχέσεις μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Ρουμανίας"] - Academic degree: Διδακτορικό
  10. Το λεξικό της ελληνικής μουσικής : από τον Ορφέα έως σήμερα - Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Γιαλλελής, 1998- , p.483-484 [τ.5ος]
  11. central
    • Marcel Spinèi is a composer, cellist, conductor, musicologist / byzantinologist, editor, prof. Dr. He belongs to a family of priests and musicians attested - during 5 generations - in Bessarabia, Romania (may be cited the priest and composer of religious music Gavriil Musicesco - uncle - e.g.).

      His first music studies were completed with his father, theologian and professor Ilie Spinèi: he taught his son the elements of byzantine musical chant and of classical music, and as an instrument the classical guitar.

      At the age of 6 Marcel starts to study the cello with professor Constantin Gogan, and he studied harmony, counterpoint, musical form and composition with composer, conductor of chorus and professor Michail Barca. He gratuated the Musical Lyceum of Craiova to 1969.

      Marcel obtaining, from the National Music University of Bucharest, the DIPLOMAS, with the highest distinction in 1973, at the special class for cellist soloists with the cellist and composer professor Iulius Bonis (student to Pablo Casals and Enrico Mainardi).
      Marcel Spinèi studies composition especially with composers: Dumitru Bughici (1969-1973), Aurel Stroe (1982) and Nicolae Coman (1983) in Romania, and in Greece with Iannis Xenakis (1989), Iannis Papaioannou (1989) and Yorgos Sicilianos (1995-1996).
      He is member of the “Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori” / S.I.A.E. and of the “Romanian Composers and Musicologists Union’s” / U.C.M.R. He wrote - till now – more than 250 compositions.

      He was honoured with a prize at the "Excellence Composition Prize" of the Center of Contemporary Music Research, Athens, Founder and President Iannis Xenakis (1996) for the "Dialogismos" op.4, with a prize at the "Excellence Composition Prize" of the Romanian Composers and Musicologists Union’s, in Bucharest (2012) for the Symphonie Concertante op.71, etc.

      As a violoncello soloist he played more than 2.500 concerts. His registredet 10 CD: in Greece, in Italy, in Germany, in U.S.A and in Romania. His musical repertory starts with the Antic Greek Music, Byzantine Music, Middle Ages and proceeds with the preclassical, classical, romantic, modern and contemporary repertory.

      As a musicologist / byzantinologist he wrote differents articles, studies and Books, published in Romania and Greece.
      Marcel Spinèi is professor Dr. at the Athens National Superior Conservatory of Music (since 1989) and at the Musical University of Pitesti, Romania, etc.
      Doctorats: 1. “The Musical relation between Greece and Romania” (Bucharest, National Music University, June 2003, co-ordonating prof. dr. Grigore Constantinesco, 1350 pag.). 2. “The Romanian Psaltic Music and the relations with Byzantine Music” (Athens, National University of “KAPODISTRIA”, February 2011, co- ordonating prof. dr. Grigorios Stathis, 1000 pag.).

    Wikipedia Import
    1. Marcel Spinei (english)
    2. 01-01-1950