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Dates: 22/06/1954 -
Title in other language: Quasi uno Tango, για κουαρτέτο Tango (ακορντεόν, βιολί, πιάνο και κοντραμπάσο) [Greek] Dates: 10-2005 Composer: Tsougras, Costas Adaptations:
  1. Tsougras, Costas [Composer]. Quasi uno Tango, for Tango Quartet (accordion, violin, piano, contrabass)
Title in other language: Poor pale child : on a poem by Stéphane Mallarmé : for mezzo soprano and double bass, [english] Dates: 2003 [October - November] Editor: Papavassiliou, Vassilis
Composer: Zervos, Georgios
  1. Zervos, Georgios [Composer]. Poor pale child for mezzo soprano and double bass on a poem by Stéphane Mallarmé
Νame in other language: Κούρταγκ, Γκιόργκι [Greek] Dates: 19/02/1926 -
Νame in other language: Liakakis, Aggelos [english] Dates: 1980 - Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Malevitis, Georgios [english] Dates: 2003 - Birth place: Patra
Νame in other language: Katsimanis, Angelos [english] Dates: 2005 -
Νame in other language: Gersos, Panagiotis - Nikolaos [english] Dates: 2005 - Birth place: Thessaloniki
Dates: 1954 -
Νame in other language: Kaltsidis, Michalis [english]
Νame in other language: Grigoriadis, Charalampos [english] Dates: 1997 -
Νame in other language: Navrozidis, Charalampos [english] Dates: 28/07/1956 -